Feature Friday | Brand Ambassador | Katy Lohn

UNIONBAY brand ambassador, Katy Lohn, is a creative trend-setter living in Seattle, Washington. She currently works in public relations and is a social media maven on the side. We love Katy because she is what the Pacific Northwest is all about… being laid-back & having a good time! AND her ability to always take on-point images never ceases to amaze us.

Meet Katy!

Tell us about yourself in three sentences!

I’m a Pacific Northwest native who loves pizza and kitties. My favorite hobby is reading, and I love exploring new neighborhoods in Seattle. When I don’t have my nose in a book, you can find me at a music show with friends.

How has living in the Pacific Northwest shaped your life?

It definitely taught me to have an appreciation for the outdoors! After doing a short stint in Philly, I realized I need to live in a place that has 4 full, fresh seasons. There’s nothing quite like the fresh air you get in the PNW.

Describe your personal style in three words.

Casual. Comfortable. Simple.

On my days off I like to…

Depends on the day. Some days I’ll take my book to the park and sit there for hours. Other days I’m in bed all day watching Netflix and snuggling with my two adorable cats. Either day is perfect to me!

What trend are you really digging this fall?

Velvet! I know it’s not the easiest piece to wear, but I plan on busting out my new velvet slip dress whenever the opportunity presents itself.


And the most important question… Backstreet Boys or NSYNC?

NSYNC, hands down. For one thing, it produced Justin Timberlake. Also, my cousin was obsessed with NSYNC growing up, so I think she would shun me if I picked BSB.

Thanks, Katy!